Metropolitan Cities supporting local adaptation processes. The case of the Metropolitan City of Venice

Keywords: Climate-proof planning, Metropolitan City, Broad Area Governance, Climate Change


Cities have a fundamental role in the adaptation and mitigation process to climate change. Even though cities will be the main subject of climate change impacts, they can propose solutions and build alternative scenarios. The difficulties that municipalities may encounter in their adaptation processes concern the lack of planning skills, technical knowledge, and human resources. To face these challenges Italian Metropolitan Cities can play a fundamental role in helping municipalities to plan and coordinate their efforts. The process in the Venetian territory has lasted many years and it has led to the awareness that local adaptation policies need to be addressed with broader support. The Metropolitan City of Venice has constructed a methodology for the planning of climatic adaptation. This methodology has been developed thanks to various plans and projects. These projects acted to increase the coordination between bodies, to define a broad area vision, to help municipalities to implement local actions. The role played by CMVe intends to direct public policies towards adaptation and mitigation in a structural way and with broad area governance. The process activated could be replicable in other Italian Metropolitan Cities in the approach and the result even if adapted to local needs.


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Author Biographies

Filippo Magni, Department of Architecture and Arts University, Iuav of Venice

Urban planner, Phd, in Planning and Public Policies for the Territory and Master in Estudios Territorials i de la poblaciò at the Universitat Autonoma di Barcellona (UAB). Researcher (RTD-A) in Urban Planning and Technology (ICAR 20) at the Department of Culture of the Project of the IUAV University of Venice. Since 2011 he has been actively collaborating with several research groups working on issues related to territorial resilience, including Planning & Climate Change Lab, of which he is a senior member, the Young Planner Ectp-ceu network, and since September 2019, the Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation, where he is an associate researcher. His research focuses on the need to redesign urban planning policies and tools to introduce new approaches to climate adaptation, both ex-ante and structural.

Giovanni Litt, Department of Architecture and Arts , University Iuav of Venice

Junior Architect, Urban and Environmental Planner with attention to climate-proof and resilient planning, Phd student. Researcher at the Department of Culture of the Project of the IUAV University of Venice in the Planning & Climate Change LAB. Over the years he has developed a multi-level, metabolic, and multidisciplinary approach to planning, able to reconcile actions and strategies to adapt to Climate Change with Territorial Government and participatory policies. He is specialized in urban resilience related to climate change and social and economic crises in support of Public Administrations, analyzing and assessing shocks and stress, and finding urban and environmental innovation methods and practices with a view to prevention and spatial and community adaptation. Facilitator in participatory processes for the co-planning of interventions of regeneration of public spaces activating local contexts and actors. Assistant to the didactics in different courses of Architecture and Planning.Junior Architect, Urban and Environmental Planner with attention to climate-proof and resilient planning, Phd student. Researcher at the Department of Culture of the Project of the IUAV University of Venice in the Planning & Climate Change LAB. Over the years he has developed a multi-level, metabolic, and multidisciplinary approach to planning, able to reconcile actions and strategies to adapt to Climate Change with Territorial Government and participatory policies. He is specialized in urban resilience related to climate change and social and economic crises in support of Public Administrations, analyzing and assessing shocks and stress, and finding urban and environmental innovation methods and practices with a view to prevention and spatial and community adaptation. Facilitator in participatory processes for the co-planning of interventions of regeneration of public spaces activating local contexts and actors. Assistant to the didactics in different courses of Architecture and Planning.

Giovanni Carraretto, Department of Architecture and Arts , University Iuav of Venice

Architect, Graduate in Architecture Construction and Conservation and Architecture and Innovation, at the University Iuav of Venice. He studied at the University of Technology in Vienna. Phd student in Architecture, City and Design, Culture of the Made in Italy Project, Research Infrastructure Integral Design Environment (IR.IDE). Researcher at the Department of Culture of the Project of the IUAV University of Venice in the Planning & Climate Change LAB. Qualified as teaching assistant (ICAR/14 and ICAR/21). He works on issues related to territorial resilience, Internal Areas, and Local Development. Qualified and registered in the Association of Architects, Planners, Paesaggists, and Conservatories of Venice. He works as a freelancer in an architecture and engineering studio in the Province of Venice and deals with architectural and urban design in the public and private sector.


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How to Cite
MagniF., LittG., & CarrarettoG. (2021). Metropolitan Cities supporting local adaptation processes. The case of the Metropolitan City of Venice. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 14(2), 125-144.