The emergency plan for the use and management of the territory

Keywords: Emergency plans, Regional planning, Risks management


The issue of emergency planning in areas exposed to natural hazards cannot yet be considered as a focus within the scientific literature, probably because it has been judged as “too operative” for the interest of academic research. The topic of land use planning, spatial planning, and urban planning in risky areas, conversely, has gained attention in recent years. Nevertheless, the examples of good practices that involve ordinary master plans embedding mitigation concerns are still limited.



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Author Biographies

Rosa Anna La Rocca, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II

Architect, PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, Associate Professor at Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences, University of Naples Federico II. Her research activities refer to the analysis of phenomena that can change urban organization and they focus on the study of three main relationships: tourism and town planning; land use and mobility, innovation technologies and urban transformations. She is author/co-author of more than 90 scientific publication. Since 2007 she is associate editor of TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, and she collaborates for others scientific international journals with high impact factor as reviewer (Sustainability, Land, Urban research, etc.)

Annunziata Palermo, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria

Associate professor of Urban Engineering at the University of Calabria. She is interested in the strategic planning of integrated territorial systems, sustainable regeneration of “marginal” areas and urban resilience. Phone: +39 0984.49.67.50.

Maria Francesca Viapiana, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria

Associate Professor of Urban Engineering at the University of Calabria. She is interested in urban design and planning with particular attention to the role of sustainability in regeneration processes. Phone: +39 0984.49.67.64.


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How to Cite
La RoccaR. A., PalermoA., & ViapianaM. F. (2021). The emergency plan for the use and management of the territory. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 3-6.