The cycle network: a latent environmental infrastructure

Managing urban flooding in the region of Abruzzo

Keywords: Cycle network, Urban flooding, Environmental infrastructure


The topic to be investigated is the potential interdependence between the cycling network and the management of rainwater in the mid-Adriatic region of Abruzzo. Preliminarily, two observations. The first concerns cycling: in Italy it is constantly increasing, both in terms of territorial diffusion and turnover. The second: the frequency of urban flooding, resulting from extreme atmospheric phenomena, has been constantly increasing. However, cycling and urban flooding are two issues addressed separately. The first is framed as a contribution to slow mobility. The second is treated as a continuing emergency. The goal is to overcome separateness. And imagine the cycle network as an environmental infrastructure that, in addition to supporting the transit of bicycles, can contribute to a better collection and management of rainwater too, as an alternative to the sewer system. This hypothesis works on those cities that have transformed water from an agent that generates dangerous conditions, into a strategic resource. Methodologically, the projects and intervention programs will be compared to the: network space, space associated with the network and context space. The comparison aims to provide some lines of action useful for orienting the actions of the urban plan in the mid-Adriatic region of Abruzzo of Abruzzo.


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Author Biography

Antonio Alberto Clemente, Department of Architecture University “G. d’Annunzio”, Pescara

Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Chieti - Pescara “Gabriele d’Annunzio”. Since 2018 he has been a member of the Council of Representatives of the Italian Society of Urban Planners (SIU). In 1999, he obtained its Ph.D. in Urban Planning at the Universities “Sapienza” of Roma and “G. d’Annunzio” of Pescara. Since 2013 he has been actively collaborating with various research groups working on issues related to sustainability and territorial resilience with particular reference to Slow Mobility. In 2021 he obtained the National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) as Associate Professor in Urban Planning (SSD ICAR 21).


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How to Cite
ClementeA. (2022). The cycle network: a latent environmental infrastructure. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 213-226.
Living and Walking in Cities 2021