Urban regeneration to enhance sustainable mobility

The 2018 Call for proposals of the Emilia-Romagna Region

Keywords: Sustainable mobility, Urban redevelopment, Urban regeneration, Public spaces


Urban regeneration processes represent an opportunity to pursue a sustainable city model. From a sustainable city perspective, the contribution to the redesign of public space and mobility infrastructures and to the improvement of pedestrian and cycle accessibility to local public services is undoubtedly significant. Within this framework, the Italian Region of Emilia-Romagna, promoted an Urban regeneration Call in 2018 to which cities submitted project proposals concerning the redevelopment of both architectural emergencies and public open spaces, paying particular attention to sustainable mobility issues. About 100 proposals have been submitted and several municipalities received funding. This paper analyses in particular the proposals submitted by the provincial capital cities, through a comparative approach, focusing on mobility, accessibility improvements and open space redevelopment. The aim is to highlight similarities and differences in order to identify some common guiding principles for enhancing sustainable urban mobility.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Pellicelli, University of Parma-Department of Engineering and Architecture

Architect, PhD student in Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma, in her third year. Her research focuses on Smart Cities and Accessibility issues, with a focus on the medium sized cities of the Emilia Romagna Region. She graduated in 2017 at the University of Parma with a thesis on urban planning.

Silvia Rossetti, University of Parma-Department of Engineering and Architecture

Environmental Engineer, Assistant Professor (tenure track position) in Urban Planning at the University of Parma, PhD in "Places and times of the city and the territory" at the University of Brescia (2014). Her research interests include Geographic Information Systems, Urban Regeneration, integration between urban planning and sustainable mobility, accessibility and road safety.

Barbara Caselli, University of Parma-Department of Engineering and Architecture

Architect, Assistant Professor (untenured) in Urban Planning at the University of Parma, PhD in "Engineering and Architecture – curriculum Urban Planning" at the University of Parma (2017). Her research interests currently include urban regeneration, urban accessibility with respect to pedestrian mobility, landscape planning in inner rural areas, Geographic Information Systems in spatial planning and city management.

Michele Zazzi, University of Parma-Department of Engineering and Architecture

Civil Engineer, Full Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Parma, Ph.D in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Bologna. Programme Coordinator of the Second Cycle Degree in Architecture and City Sustainability and of the European Master in "Urban Regeneration" at the University of Parma. His research mainly focuses on urban regeneration; adaptation to climate change and quality of public space in urban settlements; bike and pedestrian planning; environmental, landscape and river basin management and planning; digital archives of urban planning instruments and related documents.


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How to Cite
PellicelliG., RossettiS., CaselliB., & ZazziM. (2022). Urban regeneration to enhance sustainable mobility. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 57-70. https://doi.org/10.6093/1970-9870/8646
Living and Walking in Cities 2021