Hamlets, environment and landscape

a project to give value Apennines

Keywords: Landscape, Sustainability, Hamlets, Land planning


I will describe a multi-scalar project concerning the municipality of Castelnovo ne' Monti, where I try to develop spaces for socializing in compliance with the distancing constraints that are required at us. The project strengthens structuring elements of this territory by resorting to various interventions. The organization of the small villages connected together working as an integrated system, the insertion of a new central place, the eco-camping project and the three pine forests regeneration without forgetting the desire to spread the interest in two authentic treasures: Pietra of Bismantova and Gessi Triassici of the Secchia valley.


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Author Biography

Maria Rosa Ronzoni, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

She is an engineer, PhD, Professor of City planning and land-use planning at the University of Bergamo; she is mainly engaged in the issue of changing city and the sustainable development. She is engaged in the search for rules in the construction of high-quality living spaces, interpreting the vocation and character of places, beginning with mobility issues. Her scientific activity has focused on research topics relating to land-use planning and sustainable urban development, ranging from reading the local conditions to developing regional planning and urban design in harmony with the place, in order to maximize its resources. The control of spatial relations in the construction of the city has always been a topic of interest, studies in urban design with attention to energy aspects, environmental and social awareness are based on these inescapable concepts. She is Mobility Manager at the University of Bergamo and actually project leader in U-Mob LIFE Project.


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How to Cite
RonzoniM. (2022). Hamlets, environment and landscape. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 227-241. https://doi.org/10.6093/1970-9870/8654
Living and Walking in Cities 2021