Planning seismic inner areas in Central Italy

Applications for the infrastructural project, lifeline and resilient public space in the shrinking territory

Keywords: Inner Areas, Building Back Better, disaster risk reduction


Natural calamities that repeatedly hit the Country, ranging from earthquake to climate change induced events – like landslides and floods – resulted in huge damages, worsened by the infrastructural degrade and by the abandonment of some territories, especially in the inner areas of the Country. There is therefore a pressing need to improve the infrastructural resiliency, focusing on extraordinary manutention, on the technological development of the monitoring activities and of the supporting infrastructure, on the prevention, the civil protection and the public aid. Peripheral urban contexts of the Inner Areas are exposed to “isolation Risks” in case of catastrophic events, as witnessed after the 2016 seismic events, where secondary infrastructure network was heavily affected, bringing great problems for those living in the areas. The paper explores experimental methodologies to bring substantial modifications to the villages and minor urban areas structure (for the damaged buildings as for the infrastructural network) that the reconstruction makes possible, making of it a unique occasion to renew and reorganize the territory.


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Author Biographies

Giovanni Marinelli, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Researcher at the Polytechnic University of Marche.

Architect, PhD in Urban planning, design and Regional Planning. His research interests are urban and territorial planning, environmental infrastructures and green networks, risk management, strategies and tools for mitigating environmental risk in urban areas and landscape project. Author of many publications on scientific international journals, books and books chapters, international and national conferences proceedings.

Luca Domenella, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Research Fellow at the Polytechnic University of Marche.

Master's degree in Building Engineering-Architecture, Polytechnic University of Marche. Thesis topic: Enhancement and use of historical and cultural heritage. Specialization: management of complex geodatabases with GIS systems and methods/strategies for urban regeneration. Research activities: risk management, testing of strategies and tools for mitigating environmental risk in urban areas.

Marco Galasso

Independent researcher.

Master’s degree in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano and Berlage Institute Rotterdam. Research interests span from integration of productive infrastructure in urban life, tourism influence in public space and city branding, and new technology for public space management and urban regeneration.

Francesco Rotondo, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Associate professor of Urban planning and design at the Polytechnic University of Marche.

PhD in Urban planning and design. Author of many general land use plans. Author of 150 publications on scientific international journals, books and books chapters, international and national conferences proceedings. Consultant for many Urban Planning Authorities on the relationships between landscape and town planning. His research interests are urban planning and design; landscape planning; participation and informatic tools to promote participation in urban planning; urban regeneration; shrinking cities; urban recycle, temporary uses and tactical urbanism.



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How to Cite
MarinelliG., DomenellaL., GalassoM., & RotondoF. (2022). Planning seismic inner areas in Central Italy. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 195-211.
Living and Walking in Cities 2021