The weapons of the city against pandemic assaults
The cyclical spread of the pandemic requires a modification of the urban and territorial planning tools and a national anti-pandemic urban and territorial plan. The objective of the paper is to present some proposals for the protection from Covid risk, with a flexible reorganization of the times, spaces of the city and the territory. The working methodology consists in the revision of procedures for the protection from seismic risks and their expansion and complexification for the protection from pandemic risk. Some summary results of the study, currently being completed, concern suggestions for the search for a symbiosis between the city of concentration, peripheralization and diffusion with the introduction of flexible, temporary and uncertain uses. But the possibility of reducing socio-spatial inequalities in cities, regions and the country can only be pursued in the context of European funding from the Recovery Plan. The conclusions show that, with the recurrence of "mutant" pandemics, the city abandons the certainty of a continuity, in alternating phases, of development, the stability of uses and times of use of the urban space, favored by the permanence of habits and forms of consolidated life, and it will become a transforming city, a two-faced city.
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