Buffer areas for sustainable logistics. Assessing their added value towards port community

Keywords: Sustainable logistics, Buffer areas, Port-city interface


Port-City interface is becoming increasingly pivotal in both urban and infrastructural sustainable development. Urban centers tend to regain their overlook on the sea, while “gigantic” ships require ports to become bigger and bigger. These convergent processes frequently lead to conflicts and unsolved issues. This is the reason why solutions are often searched in defining specifical and dedicated areas and routes to reduce interferences. Buffer Areas for logistics-related operations and procedures are often mentioned. The present work concerns the stakeholders’ engagement process conducted in order to evaluate most suitable areas and relevant features to host these activities before freight vehicles reach the proper port area, thus reducing externalities on ordinary traffic flows. In particular, in-depth interviews to several stakeholders of Genoese Port community were conducted and their results were later mainstreamed into a multi-criteria analysis. Despite not being a structured participatory process, the present methodology could help defining intervention priorities and identifying the added value of this kind of facilities for different members of local port community.


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Author Biographies

Ilaria Delponte, University of Genoa, Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department

Engineer and PhD in “Places and Times of City and Territory” at the University of Brescia (IT), is Associate Professor in Town Planning at the University of Genoa, where she has been carrying on her research on urban and territorial governance since 2004. Her studies are particularly focused on transport, logistics and port management and planning. She is also author of several papers, both didactic and scientific, related to the field. She led projects at the regional, national, EU and Mediterranean level and she took part into conferences and meetings as speaker and moderator. She is member of the Italian Center of Excellence on Logistics, Transport and Infrastructures and Scientific Responsible for the National Association of Italian Municipalities.

Valentina Costa, University of Genoa, Italian Excellence Centre for Logistics, Transport and Infrastructures

She is an engineer, PhD Student in “Logistics and Transport” at the Italian Center of Excellence on Logistics, Transport and Infrastructure of University of Genoa (IT), and previously research fellow for SavingScapes Project for Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department of the above mentioned university. Her studies are particularly focused on transport, sustainable mobility and urban planning.

Ennio Cascetta, University of Naples Federico II, Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering Department

Engineer and full professor at Federico II University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well. His research activity has mainly regarded transportation planning, High Speed Railways and regional metro systems planning, analysis, modelling and estimation of transport demand, static and dynamic models for traffic assignment, multimodal network planning, supply design models for transit and traffic systems, traffic theory and circulation on motorways, analysis and control of traffic congestion in urban areas. He has been the scientific responsible of research units in the context of several UE research programs in DGXIII and DGVII such as DYNA, AIUTO and TRACE. Took part as on expert to the international committee for the design of the EURET 2 Project and 4th Framework program appointed by DGVII. He is currently member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Future Mobility project in the MIT and Singapore SMART program and president of the scientific committee of Italian Motorist Association (ACI) and of NETLab, r&d unit of the multinational group NET. He is an appointed member of the Transport Research Board of National Research Council (USA).

Armando Cartenì, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Engineering Department

Professor in Transportation Planning at the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli” (Italy); he got a PhD degree on Transportation Engineering at the Department of Transportation Engineering, University of Naples. His research activity has mainly regarded: transportation planning; transportation decision-making process and public engagement; sustainable mobility; public transport; discrete choice models for transport user behavior; freight transport and container terminal simulation modelling; transportation environmental impacts. He has been participated in many research projects and has author of more than 100 papers published in journals, book series and conferences proceedings.

Flavia Scisciot, Autostrade per l'Italia

She is an engineer and currently Technical Director of Transport Systems and Sustainable Mobility for “Autostrade per l’Italia” company. Former Head of Transport and Feasibility Studies. Her professional expertise mainly deals with Infrastructures and Transportation Planning.


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How to Cite
DelponteI., CostaV., CascettaE., CartenìA., & ScisciotF. (2022). Buffer areas for sustainable logistics. Assessing their added value towards port community. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 15(3), 487-500. https://doi.org/10.6093/1970-9870/9232