Urban sustainable development: the cost of pursuing SDGs

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Cities, costs, investments


Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always following a rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. This section of the Journal, Review Notes, is the expression of a continuous updating of emerging topics concerning relationships among urban planning, mobility and environment, through a collection of short scientific papers. The Review Notes are made of four parts. Each section examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage within the main interests of TeMA Journal. In particular, the Economy, business and land use section aims at presenting recent advancements on relevant topics that underlie socio-economic relationships between firms and territories. The present note aims at highlighting the costs associated to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The hight investment costs and the gap that still divides cities from the achievement of the sustainable targets shed lights on the need to incentivize both public and private investments. 


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Author Biography

Stefano Franco, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy

PhD, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. He has been visiting researcher at Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid. His main research interests are in the areas of sustainability and innovation. His papers have appeared in international refereed journals, among others IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production. 


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How to Cite
FrancoS. (2022). Urban sustainable development: the cost of pursuing SDGs. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 15(3), 561-564. https://doi.org/10.6093/1970-9870/9422