Envisioning Parking Strategies in the Framework of Sustainable Urban Transport

  • Giovanni Circella University of California, Davis


Parking policies and regulations are important tools in planning for the governance of urban mobility. The proper design and location of parking facilities, in fact, contributes to an efficient use of the transportation system (or it may reduce its efficiency, when these infrastructures are not properly planned). This paper discusses the role of parking as part of the policy packages for strategic planning aimed at increasing the sustainability of urban and metropolitan areas. In particular, the integration of parking strategies in a comprehensive vision for the future of a city may significantly improve the allocation of resources and the reduction of the overall environmental externalities. The role of parking in the strategic planning of cities is discussed through the analysis of several recent projects in the city of Bari (Italy). The paper discusses the way these projects are linked (or eventually not linked) to broader strategies for urban mobility, and how they might be coordinated into policy packages that promote more sustainable transportation. The use of an integrated land use transportation modeling approach to simulate the long-term evolution of the urban area may significantly contribute to estimate the long-term effects of the proposed policies. This approach may successfully support the process of policy evaluation and the selection of the optimal strategies to implement.


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Author Biography

Giovanni Circella, University of California, Davis
Post-doc researcher at the Urban Land Use and Transportation (ULTRANS) Center of the University of California, Davis. He has received an Italian Laurea Degree (BS+MS) in Civil Engineering and a Ph.D. in Transportation Planning from the Politecnico di Bari, Italy and a Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis. He was a Fulbright Scholar and visiting researcher at the University of California during 2006 and 2007.
How to Cite
CircellaG. (2010). Envisioning Parking Strategies in the Framework of Sustainable Urban Transport. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 2. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/120