The integration of urban transformation government and mobility management in European experiences

  • Andrea Ceudech Laboratorio TeMA


Starting from Nineties, many experiences, focused on the integration between urban and territorial transformation government and mobility management and aimed at achieving objectives of sustainability, have been carried out in different European cities. In these experiences, the integration between urban transformation government and mobility management has been tested at different scales and with different approaches. In detail, such an integration is pursued both through the definition of the dimension, localization and spatial and functional features of new settlements, both through the requalification of the existing ones by the improvement of transport infrastructures, the public space design, the location of activities connected to the public transport network, the traffic flows regulation. With reference to such experiences, the paper outlines a synthetic view of different case-studies focused on the most recent integrated policies referred to the territorial transformation government and to the mobility management. Then, the most significant weaknesses and the more innovative aspects of some case-studies are highlighted both for the new settlements and for the existing ones.


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How to Cite
CeudechA. (2008). The integration of urban transformation government and mobility management in European experiences. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 1.

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