Tiber Personal Rapid Transit

  • Diego Carlo D'agostino Zoooffice architecture and planning


The project “Tiber Personal Rapid Transit” have been presented by the author at the Rome City Vision Competition1 2010, an ideas competition, which challenges architects, engineers, designers, students and creatives individuals to develop visionary urban proposals with the intention of stimulating and supporting the contemporary city, in this case Rome. The Tiber PRT proposal tries to answer the competition questions with the definition of a provocative idea: a Personal Rapid transit System on the Tiber river banks. The project is located in the central section of the Tiber river and aims at the renewal of the river banks with the insertion of a Personal Rapid Transit infrastructure. The project area include the riverbank of Tiber from Rome Transtevere RFI station to Piazza del Popolo, an area where main touristic and leisure attractions are located. The intervention area is actually no used by the city users and residents and constitute itself a strong barrier in the heart of the historic city.


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Author Biography

Diego Carlo D'agostino, Zoooffice architecture and planning

Architect, Ph.D in Urban and Architectural Design at the University of Naples Federico II, co-founder of the Zoo Office - Architecture and Urban Planning agency, he collaborates with several architecture, engineering, urban design and planning, interior design and graphics studios.


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How to Cite
D’agostinoD. (1). Tiber Personal Rapid Transit. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 3(4). https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/206