The PON “Reti e mobilità” and the objectives of Sustainability: the role of the Environmental Monitoring Plan.

  • Francesco Bella Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità
  • Floriana Federica Ferrara Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità
  • Roberto Salvatore Perricone Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità
  • Giovanni Poleggi Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità
  • Maria Rita Antonini Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti
  • Pietro Baratono Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti
Keywords: Mobility and networks, environmental assessment, European Commission project


The National Operative Program (PON) “Reti e mobilità” has been approved by European Commission on the 7th of December 2007.
The strategic  approach of the PON, exclusively devoted to the  so-called “convergence regions” of Italy (Campania, Calabria, Sicilia, Puglia), aims to:
1.    improve the modal balance by an economic, social and environmental perspective;
2.    develop the inter-modality in order to move towards the integration of convergence area into the network of the European transport system;
3.    improve the mobility and the accessibility, also to reduce the traffic congestion;
4.    increase the efficiency related to security standards, to management techniques and to the quality of transportation services in the sector of freight;
5.    guarantee the reduction of environmental impacts through a global improvement of the efficiency of the transport systems.
In such a way it is clear that the PON “Reti e mobilità”  takes greatly into account the Sustainability principles recognized at European scale as attested by the budget, namely over the 70% of the entire fund, associated with low-impacts infrastructures (railways and harbors). The PON has been submitted to the SEA procedure, following what the 2001/42/CE Directive establishes.
The Environmental Report of PON devotes  great attention to the monitoring activity as shown by the reported recommendation about the need for adequate measures for the environmental monitoring, also in order to apply corrective measures during the implementation of the program. By this point of view, a first and important step has been the elaboration of the “Environmental Monitoring Plan”  (EMP) that represents the main methodological  document for the following implementation of the monitoring activity.
This paper, after a brief presentation of the program and of the objectives of Sustainability that the Programs aims to pursue through the realization of specific projects, is devoted to introduce the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the PON that has been approved by the Ministry of the Infrastructures and Transport -in charge as Management Authority of the PON- in February 2011. In detail, the PMA represents the tool through which, the Management Authority, that has specific responsibilities and functions in terms of monitoring and environmental assessment of the program, controls the significant impacts on the environment caused by the implementation of the PON and verify the level of achievement of the established objectives of environmental sustainability. The structure of EMP is based on three main aspects:
1)  the adoption of the results of other interesting experiences carried out by experts institutions on the topic;
2)  an approach favoring the creation of an “integrated” monitoring system with  the others Operative Programs activated at regional scale;
3)  the implementation of a cooperation and shared process with all the directly-involved actors.


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Author Biographies

Francesco Bella, Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità
Associate professor of Roads, Railways and Airports at Engineering Faculty of Roma TRE University. Ph.D. in Environmental Design of Infrastructures of Transportation. Scientific consultant of Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, and Ministry of the Environment. Member of committees of Transportation Research Board (Washington). Scientific referee for several international journals (Elsevier, TRB, Advances in Transportation Studies).
Floriana Federica Ferrara, Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità

Environmental Engineer, Master in Environmental Risk Assessment applied to Cultural Heritage at ENEA (2005).

She has participated as expert to different European projects focused both on hazard mitigation and planning issues devoted to the reduction of vulnerability of communities and built environment (SCENARIO, INCA, ENSURE).

She is currently involved into the Monitoring activity of the National Operative Programme “Networks and Mobility" 2007-2013 as member of the "Working Group on Environmental Sustainability” for investigating the impacts on the Environment related to the implementation of the Programme.

Roberto Salvatore Perricone, Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità

Architect. Environmental consultant expert in analysis and management of environmental aspects related to activities carried by public administrations and private companies.

Project manager for environmental issues related to the implementation of the National Operative Programme “Networks and Mobility" 2007-2013 within the contract with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Member of the "Working Group on Environmental Sustainability" within the same National Operative Programme “Networks and Mobility".

Giovanni Poleggi, Gruppo di Lavoro Sostenibilità Ambientale del PON Reti e mobilità

Graduated in environmental engineering with a post lauream specialization in urban management. Since 2000 he has been working as public administration consultant in management, monitoring and evaluation of Structural Funds programmes, mainly focusing on: sustainable and local development, urban regeneration, transport infrastructures and logistics.

Maria Rita Antonini, Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti

Working at the Ministry of Transport since 1982. Past experience in the engineering department and currently working at the Managing Authority for the National Operational Programme 2007-2013 “networks and mobility” in the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport. In charge of environmental matters, concerning aspects related to the Operational Programme and Communication. Also in charge of selecting the road projects ANAS Spa carries out in Southern Italy according to the Programme criteria.

Pietro Baratono, Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti

Pietro Baratono is currently member of the Managing Authority of the Infrastructure European Operational Programmes for 2000-2006 and 2007-2013. He is also delegate for the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport both in the European Galileo satellite project and in the GSA Board (Galileo Supervisory Authority). Since 2011 is coordinator of the Materials and innovative products Working Group in the management of the Building Technical Standards.


Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti. Piano di Monitoraggio Ambientale (Ai sensi dell’articolo 18 del D.Lgs 4/2008). Luglio 2010

Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale(2009). Rapporto finale per la definizione degli indicatori per la VAS.

Direttiva 2001/42/CE del 27 giugno 2001 concernente la valutazione degli effetti di determinati piani e programmi sull’ambiente.

Regolamento (CE) 1083/2006 del Consiglio, dell’11 luglio 2006, recante disposizioni generali sul Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale, sul Fondo sociale europeo e sul Fondo di coesione

D.Lgs n. 128 del 29 giugno 2010. Modifiche ed integrazioni al decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152, recante norme in materia ambientale, a norma dell’articolo 12 della legge 18 giugno 2009, n. 69

D.Lgs n. 4 del 16/01//2008. Ulteriori disposizioni correttive ed integrative del decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152, recante norme in materia ambientale.

How to Cite
BellaF., FerraraF., PerriconeR., PoleggiG., AntoniniM. R., & BaratonoP. (2011). The PON “Reti e mobilità” and the objectives of Sustainability: the role of the Environmental Monitoring Plan. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 4(3).