Analyses and Surveys on Urbanized Areas through MIVIS Techniques: Data Classification Applied to the City of Pomezia, Rome.

  • Lorenza Fiumi CNR, Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico
  • Marina Landolfi CNR, Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico
Keywords: Remote sensing, Classification, Solil sealing, Soil loss


This paper is aimed at investigating, in an original and innovative manner, a portion of the territory of the Municipality of Pomezia (Rome) by means of remotely sensed data. The airborne MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) imagery was acquired from an altitude of 1 500 m. In fact, the high spectral and good spatial resolution of the MIVIS sensor allowed to provide important information helping us study and better understand complex and diversified situations, such as anthropized areas.

The site taken into consideration for this study belongs to the city of Pomezia. Founded more than 70 years ago, Pomezia, originated as rural suburb, has become an important industrial district of Lazio Region territory thanks to its location near Rome and to the fund for the development of Southern Italy. This led to a massive industrialization up to the 90s, a period when industrial activities and urban areas evolved very rapidly without, or in part without, a urban planning followed by a progressive de-industrialization process which is still under way.

MIVIS data processing technique, through the classification of objects and materials within urban areas, allowed us to discriminate, with a good level of detail, the distribution of the different spectral classes. Moreover, from a first reading of the View Statistics Files, we can deduce considerations on the evolution of the territory, emphasizing some important environmental aspects, such as the diffuse waterproofing of soils. In fact, we can notice a situation of messy urban and industrial areas growth with high percentages of waterproofed surfaces that are impossible or difficult to reverse. This is a serious environmental issue which led to the loss of vegetation surfaces, increasing negative effects both on the biodiversity and landscape quality which bring about the dissipation of valuable resources, such as the soil, that will represent a serious concern for the environment in the future.


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Author Biographies

Lorenza Fiumi, CNR, Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico

Graduated in 1984 in Architecture from University of Rome La Sapienza. Since 1986 she is researcher at CNR (Italian National Research Council). Since 1991 she works for L.A.R.A. Project (Airborne Laboratory for Environmental Research), of the Institute for Atmospheric Pollution, CNR. She has developed methodologies, by remote sensing, for the localization and characterization of coating elements and materials in urban areas. A particular attention has been paid to asbestos-cement coverings presently regulated by the Law 257 of 1992. She is principal investigator of many research activities. She is the author of many national and international publications.

Marina Landolfi, CNR, Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico
Graduated in sociology, since 2011 has been working for CNR – I.I.A. (Institute for Atmospheric Pollution) dealing withsociological analysis about environmental risk.


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How to Cite
FiumiL., & LandolfiM. (2012). Analyses and Surveys on Urbanized Areas through MIVIS Techniques: Data Classification Applied to the City of Pomezia, Rome. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 5(1), 49-62.