Rethinking “Logistics Platforms”: the case of the North Adriatic Gateway

  • Marco Dean Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine
  • Sandro Fabbro Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine
Keywords: Infrastructure, logistic platforms, intermodal transport, TEN-T corridors


The objective of this paper is to explore more realistic and sustainable territorial and logistics strategies (see Fabbro, Mesolella, 2010) in order to reconnect the Italian infrastructural system to the wider network of European corridors.

Until this moment, the logistics and strategic national plans have not been selective concerning the identification, along the TEN-T Corridors, of a few ports and freight villages which are able to become effective European gateways within the Italian territory and attract private investments. Moreover, these planning instruments, instead of basing their strategies on the most concrete corridors have preferred to conceive their policies on entirely “imaginary” ones. This is, for instance, the case of the Logistics Platform in the Nord-East area of Italy. This Platform has been organized around the uncertain Corridor V, rather than the more concrete (but not yet recognized in the European maps) Adriatic-Baltic corridor. As a consequence, in this Region, several existing national infrastructures appear, at the moment, largely underused: 

  1. a freight village of considerable size and European standards such as the Interporto Alpe Adria in Cervignano del Friuli, and
  2. an international double railway such as the “Pontebbana” that links the North-East area of Italy with Austria, through the Alpine pass of Tarvisio, and which is already the southern segment of the Adriatic-Baltic corridor.


On the other hand, these infrastructures might play a significant role in light of the positive estimates about the new trends of maritime trades, which would realize a renewed centrality to the Mediterranean Sea (Drewry Shipping Consultants, 2010), and important development programs regarding the Adriatic ports, involving both public (Venice, Rijeka) and private (Monfalcone-Triest, Koper) stakeholders. The aim of these projects is to increase the competitive capacity of the North Adriatic port system and establish a more effective connection between it and the central and eastern parts of Europe, through the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor, so as to constitute the so-called North Adriatic Gateway.

Similarly it would be possible to use the same strategies even for the the Nord-West territories which could depict the second important Italian gateway, the so-called North Tyrrhenian Gateway (based on the Two Seas Corridor 24 Genova-Rotterdam).

The paper concludes its argumentations supporting the necessity of putting more emphasis on the Corridor 1, the Two Seas Corridor 24 and the Adriatic-Baltic corridor instead of the Corridor V. In fact only these North-South Corridors, linking Italy to the most productive European regions, could allow to produce economic benefits in a shorter term, while in this possible scenario, the Corridor V (hierarchically subordinate to the other axis) would connect the two Italian gateways each other and these ones to the second-level national infrastructure, in order to avoid the marginalisation of entire regional areas from the major trade and economic networks.


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Author Biographies

Marco Dean, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine

Marco Dean studied Civil Engineering at the University of Udine and he graduated with honors on 8th November 2010. His thesis entitled "From the City-Port to the Network-Port - The future role of the freight village of Cervignano within the Logistics Platform in the North-East area of Italy" has taken into account the system of ports and intermodal centres in the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. His thesis advisor is Professor Sandro Fabbro.

An article extracted from this thesis "Possible Strategies for increase the competitiveness of the freight village of Cervignano", was published in the magazine Technical Review of FVG (n. 6 November-December 2010). He also wrote, togheter with Paolo Sartor, the article “Possible scenarios for the freight village of Cervignano”, which was published in magazine Logistics (April 2011).

Sandro Fabbro, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine

Sandro Fabbro, graduated in “Urban Planning” at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura (IUAV) in Venice (1978), has then got his PhD in Territorial Planning (IUAV, 1993) and, since 1992, is working at the University of Udine (I). Currently is associate professor of “Territorial Planning” at the Faculty of Engineering.

Visiting professor by the Northeastern University in Boston (1997) and by the Global Urban Research Unit of the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape by the University of Newcastle (2003), he has conducted research on regional planning both at the strategic as well as at the regulative level. He has promoted SPHERA (Spatial Planning Harmonization for the European  Regional Administrations) a research network of five Italian universities that has been in charge, for the period 2005-2008, of a “Research Program of National Interest” for the Italian Ministry of  Research and University.

Currently he is president of the National Commission for Infrastructural Policies of the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica and, in this position, also advisor of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning.

He is author of more then one hundred and thirty publications some of them on international books and journals. He is member of the Association of the European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and annually takes place to its Conferences with specific contributions.


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How to Cite
DeanM., & FabbroS. (2011). Rethinking “Logistics Platforms”: the case of the North Adriatic Gateway. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 4(3).