Through and beyond the Poli(s)crisis: Guiding the Eco-Social Transition in UE

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Gabriella Pultrone


The word crisis indicates a polysemic concept that has become pervasive following the Covid-19 emergency. If it is essential to know how to manage emergencies, it is undoubtedly a priority to increase the resilience of cities, territories, and communities with innovative projects for a fair and sustainable future beyond crises, to adequately face the priority challenge of climate change. The ongoing polychrisis (health, economic, ecological, political, social, cultural, spiritual) can therefore be considered a driver that has triggered an acceleration in the process of ecological, social, energy and digital transition at the heart of EU policies.
The word poli(s)crisis, instead of the literal translation polychrisis, highlights the central and decisive dual role of cities as a sphere of concentration and amplification of the crisis and, at the same time, a privileged sphere of experimentation and acceleration of the aforementioned multiple transition process underway. Indeed, internationally, many cities are rethinking urban space promoting inclusive planning and the importance of Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) that can increase environmental value across the urban-rural continuum with an integrated approach. Therefore, referring to some case studies in the EU panorama, the article aims to highlight the inevitable need to pursue the goals of eco-social transition by integrating NBSs into multi-level planning and regeneration strategies.


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PultroneG. (2023). Through and beyond the Poli(s)crisis: Guiding the Eco-Social Transition in UE. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 7(1), 61-76.


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