Green infrastructure and urban design as an adaptation strategy

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Anita Bianco


The essay intends to spread the scientific importance of the relationship between environment and built space, focusing on the green space of the city that conceived as a green infrastructure (Green Infrastructure GI) can contribute to improving the quality of natural capital, to the well-being of men and ensuring biodiversity and improving urban resilience to extreme phenomena. In particular, the aim is to deepen the meaning of the term GI, an analysis of the policies that encourage and enhance its use. The intention is to extrapolate the fundamental characteristics including the multifunctional aspect, which attributes the ability to improve ecosystem services and therefore contain the vulnerability and increase the resilience of the urban system. Environmental design can define the boundaries and determine limits and goals related to the complex relationship between inhabitants and the environment and solve it in the valorization of GI. Starting from these considerations it tries to answer how governance policies at the local level acknowledge the importance of the GI, and through some contemporary examples an explanation of the urban project strategies that allow their applicability in response to the challenges of the climate changes.


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How to Cite
BiancoA. (2023). Green infrastructure and urban design as an adaptation strategy. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 7(2), 31-46.


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