Biodiversity Lab for the Urban Ecological Network in the Mediterranean Area. A shared commitment protocol for the city's natural capital

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Concetta Fallanca
Elvira Stagno


Green areas represent crucial elements for urban environments that promote the health and well-being of the community and the entire urban organism. An ecological approach to planning allows us to recognize the well-being of communities and urban systems as essential elements for effective planning to meet contemporary environmental and social needs. This contribution presents the results of extensive research that converge into a comprehensive laboratory work; an experimental field aimed at strengthening the transition process towards green and sustainable cities, focusing on the enhancement and implementation of natural capital within the vast territory of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria and its Aspromonte National Park. A multidisciplinary and experimental approach in collaboration between the University and the Metropolitan City of Reggio has led to the development of a theoretical and methodological framework consisting of a related system of principles, criteria, and essential measures to facilitate the initiation of early activities in support of the institutional entities of the Reggio metropolitan area. These entities are committed to managing the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR, and their missions fully align within the same experimentation field for the valorization of the ecological structure of urban and territorial greenery in the entire area and the networking of spaces for social interaction, thus ensuring a valued healthy climate urban profile


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FallancaC., & StagnoE. (2024). Biodiversity Lab for the Urban Ecological Network in the Mediterranean Area. A shared commitment protocol for the city’s natural capital. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 8(1), 5-30.


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