RED: hazard, vulnerability, exposure

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Alessandro Sgobbo


UPLanD intend to promote an interdisciplinary approach to town and regional planning, landscape and environmental design as an effective form of the governance - sustainable and eco-efficient - of processes for the protection, enhancement and development of urban contexts. The first issue, entitled RED, intended to bring attention to the topic of risks in built and natural environment. Risks are a consequence of hazards, but also and above all, of vulnerability and exposure. But, while hazards are usually part of the environment, exposure and vulnerability originate from three main reasons: ignorance or underestimation of hazards; the belief of being able to managing to their effects; the indifference towards a distant and hypothetical risk as compared to an immediate and concrete benefit. Today the development of adequate policies, the improvement and sharing of best practices, and a careful design research are essential to deal with risks. The very recent seismic events in central Italy furthermore demonstrate the need to immediately focus on the topic


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How to Cite
SgobboA. (2016). RED: hazard, vulnerability, exposure. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 1(1), 5.


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