A methodology hazard-based for the mitigation of the radon risk in the urban planning

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Roberto Gerundo
Michele Grimaldi
Alessandra Marra


A type of significant impact is the risk from radon gas in indoor settings, which is not been yet listed among the types of risk canonically considered in planning, such as the hydrogeological, seismic and volcanic risk, by fires and relevant accident risk (Castelluccio et al, 2012). The radon is a radioactive gas, that was classified since 1988 by the WHO as a carcinogen of the Group I (IARC-WHO, 1988), i.e. an oncogenic factor proved on humans.

The European Union, transposing these indications, requires to the Member States, through the EU Directive, 59, 2013, the identification of areas particularly prone to radon, known as radon prone areas in the literature. However, currently there is still no international standard for the mapping of these areas. Moreover, this Directive defers the mitigation of the phenomenon to the building regulations.

This research shows a methodology to build the risk maps of radon at the urban scale, as you can regulate and specify mitigation actions only at this spatial level.


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How to Cite
GerundoR., GrimaldiM., & MarraA. (2016). A methodology hazard-based for the mitigation of the radon risk in the urban planning. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 1(1), 27. https://doi.org/10.6093/2531-9906/5031


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