The Metropolis research. Experimental models and decision-making processes for the adaptive environmental design in climate change

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Valeria D’Ambrosio
Ferdinando Di Martino


The state of knowledge on climate change adaptation at the international level shows several experiences both in the field of research and urban politics that aim at defining methods and procedures, adaptation plans and guidelines for action. However, the specificity of the issues at the local scale requires further experimentations to implement suitable actions based on downscaling processes. Within the Metropolis project, the research group of the Department of Architecture at the Federico II University of Naples has carried out research work aimed at assessing the capacity of the urban system to adapt to the effects of climate change. The research work resulted in the development of a model of knowledge on the vulnerability to heat waves and pluvial flooding based on the study of the information about the features of the social and physical system.

By developing downscaling experimental models, hazard scenarios have been built at the local scale based on the IPCC scenarios on CO2 emissions - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Finally, a decision-making process has been developed to assess the adaptive capacity of the urban system It allows the making of a long term adaptive design oriented towards processes of urban rehabilitation that are resilient to climate change. The adaptation solutions have been selected grading by their compatibility with the specific context and evaluated for the correspondence to the technological and environmental requirements, to the socio-economic conditions and the effects on the ecosystem.


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D’AmbrosioV., & Di MartinoF. (2016). The Metropolis research. Experimental models and decision-making processes for the adaptive environmental design in climate change. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 1(1), 187.


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