Climate risk, Environmental planning, Urban design

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Mario Losasso


The vulnerability of the territory and of urban districts and buildings is systemic and related to specific hazard and to the level of exposure of people and economic assets. Among the environmental risks, climate risk has multiple interpretations. The sources of the governmental organizations and scientific institutions indicate that the growing influence on the climate and the earth's temperature depend on the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. The main international strategies are addressed in the medium and long term to establish mitigation of the causes that induce dangerous impacts in relation to the degree of vulnerability of contexts. The identification of local vulnerability, risks and activation of local resources, useful to improve the resilience and adaptive capacity, represent the link between the scale of urban planning and a more detailed scale, in which act through strategies "Climate-smart" in technological innovation and environmental design of buildings and open spaces system. Environmental design fits into the panorama of architectural design with the aim to define the boundaries and determine limits and goals related to the complex relationship between inhabitants and environment. In the field of new dwelling, but also in buildings and open spaces rehabilitation, the systemic and performance approach integrates the emerging scenarios of the digitization of built environment sector, that combine greater efficiency for the project and for the building process, developing preventive checks of the aspects of technical and performance simulation control.


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LosassoM. (2016). Climate risk, Environmental planning, Urban design. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 1(1), 219.


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