For a territorial organization with variable geometry

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Maurizio Tira


Motivated primarily by the need to control public spending, law 56/14 Measures for metropolitan cities, provinces, unifications and mergers of communes, led to a new institutional architecture of the State, but also to non-negligible impacts on governing territories of a large area.

It is obvious that regions, provinces and municipalities intersect in their spatial and demographic dimensions. However, when one wants to review a layout for general reasons, and — perhaps — for the sake of simplification, one cannot exempt it from an assessment of the geographical and demographic realities of the real Italian territories. Investigating territorial planning functions for the coordination of the Provinces is of crucial importance. The reform, for now incomplete, does not seem to have solved the historical weakness on the planning level for boundaries that are not yet well defined. The ability of new institutional architectures to grasp the dynamics of large areas remains to be proven.


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TiraM. (2016). For a territorial organization with variable geometry. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 1(1), 257.


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