Ghost towns and housing discomfort: the landscapes of risk in Italy

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Fabio Iannotta


Many reasons can lead people to abandon their roots, the places they inhabit. When the abandonment of a place turns out to be a mass phenomenon, the reasons are related, in most of cases, to the concept of risk, a term that has different specificities depending on the context.

The risks, whether of natural origin or related to human factors, are therefore the determining factor of the configuration of the landscapes of abandonment.

The study of the ghost town phenomenon, an extreme phase of the housing discomfort phenomenon, or an effect of a hazard occurred, helps to better understand the scenarios of the risk to a territory, departing from the facts on the ground rather than from hypothetical scenarios, and by relating the hazard contexts with the values actually lost.

The landscapes of abandonment in Italy constitute an objective and widespread condition of lost assets, of risks that have happened. Their comparison with the probabilistic hazard maps (anthropic and structural), through a new perspective.


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IannottaF. (2016). Ghost towns and housing discomfort: the landscapes of risk in Italy. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 1(1), 273.


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