GREEN: sustainability, well-being, eco-efficiency

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Alessandro Sgobbo


UPLanD intend to promote an interdisciplinary approach to town and regional planning, landscape and environmental design as an effective form of the governance - sustainable and eco-efficient - of processes for the protection, enhancement and development of urban contexts. The first issue of UPlanD Volume 2017, entitled GREEN, intended to bring attention to the topic of ecological sustainability in built and natural environment. Today, being beyond the limit where a merely containment approach could be effective, by avoiding or mitigating the new impacts, it becomes necessary to adopt a new perspective that acting both on new settlements and on consolidated fabrics, leads to the re-establishment of a lost balance, implementing functions, processes and transformations with a positive ecological outcome. Meanwhile, adaptation policies are essential to survive the transition toward new models of human settlements able of sustaining the 10 billion city dwellers expected in 2050.


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How to Cite
SgobboA. (2017). GREEN: sustainability, well-being, eco-efficiency. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(1), 5-14.


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