Green for the regeneration in sustainable urban planning

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Mónica Martínez
Federico García Martínez
Isidoro Fasolino
Michele Grimaldi


This work proposes a method for urban planning aimed at pursuing the sustainable regeneration of the central neighborhoods of the city through the reorganization of settlement patterns and the protection of its environmental heritage and biological resources. The design approach uses green spaces in all their various forms, increasing soil permeability, with a connecting system of the public spaces and institutions, increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and renewable sources in order to transform the city into a complex productive, livable and sensitive ecosystem. The application of the method focuses on the famous Barrios Pueblos of Güemes and Observatorio which are threatened by a flawed urban legislation that allows for the exclusive vertical development of residential buildings, thus affecting the urban equilibrium of these areas of significant historical value. The planning support methodology focuses on all the aspects related to the wider use of green materials within the city.


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MartínezM., MartínezF., FasolinoI., & GrimaldiM. (2017). Green for the regeneration in sustainable urban planning. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(1), 15-24.


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