INTENSSS PA: a systematic approach for INspiring Training ENergy-Spatial Socioeconomic Sustainability to Public Authorities

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Maurizio Tira
Ioanna Giannouli
Alessandro Sgobbo
Carmine Brescia
Chiara Cervigni
Lisa Carollo
Christos Tourkolias


The INTENSSS PA project, funded by Horizon 2020, the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union, aims to support the local authorities involved and their stakeholders to develop an innovative integrated sustainable energy planning concept through a participatory, interdisciplinary and multilevel process. By building individual and institutional capacity of the actors involved, using the Regional Living Lab approach, the concept will be applied in order to develop seven sustainable integrated energy plans. In this first article the project activities and the results achieved so far are preliminary described, anticipating a more extensive and detailed publication on the project planned for the December edition of UPLand – Journal of Urban Planning Landscape & Environmental Design.


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TiraM., GiannouliI., SgobboA., BresciaC., CervigniC., CarolloL., & TourkoliasC. (2017). INTENSSS PA: a systematic approach for INspiring Training ENergy-Spatial Socioeconomic Sustainability to Public Authorities. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(2), 65-84.


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