Urban growth, regeneration and social inclusion in Porto Alegre: the City Entrance Integrated Programme case study

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Ioanni Delsante
Luciana Inês Gomes Miron


Since 1989 Porto Alegre has become an international reference for planning (UN Habitat, 1996) and regeneration practices associated also with the Participatory Budget process (Pacheco, 2001; Fedozzi, 1998), aiming at poverty reduction and social inclusiveness (Getúlio Vargas Foundation, 2004; UNDP, 2003; UN/UMP, 2003). Within the new city masterplan approved in 1999 the City Entrance Integrated Programme (henceforth PIEC) has been delivered since 2002 (Vargas, 2003; PMPA, 2014). The paper critically analyses the outcomes of the 4th District’s regeneration process and relate them to recent trends in terms of informal rapid urbanisation, social and ecological indicators.

The findings highlight how, even though enjoying economic development and positive macro-economic trends, Porto Alegre is facing new or increasing challenges in terms of housing needs, informal urbanisation, social and environmental resilience. Unexpected internal people displacement, together with real estate speculation and the rise of new informal urbanization, provide a worrying picture of increasing inequalities across the city. The paper provides a reflection on the shortcomings and the fragility of the planning process, especially in terms of social and environmental impact, to draw some provisional conclusions and directions for further research activities.


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DelsanteI., & Gomes MironL. (2017). Urban growth, regeneration and social inclusion in Porto Alegre: the City Entrance Integrated Programme case study. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(2), 239-254. https://doi.org/10.6093/2531-9906/5268


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