Sharing Sustainability

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Alessandro Sgobbo
Monica Basile


The paper reports the results of a phase of the research Project “Sharing Mobility” developed by the authors at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples "Federico II". The thesis is that sharing mobility can positively affect sustainability of Mediterranean metropolitan areas if implemented on a multiscale-multimodal approach strongly linked with the existing public transport facilities.

In order to verify the results and the applicability of the proposed procedural model to the Mediterranean cities, after a review of literature and best practices on sharing mobility, it was also envisaged the preparation of a pilot project for the Metropolitan Area of Naples.

The results, in confirming the thesis, show that the Metropolitan Cities, recently implemented in Italian institutional framework, can efficiently implement and manage sharing mobility better than any other well established public authority or little municipality.


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SgobboA., & BasileM. (2017). Sharing Sustainability. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(2), 255-297.


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