Mediterranean Waterscapes. Identifying challenges and visions for the future of Campania coastal port-cities

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Daniele Blasi
Carlo Gerundo


The new challenges that port-cities are facing in the context of global recession, together with a sensible view towards sustainable development, offer the opportunity to reconsider the role of ports in urban areas. If the direct impact of port-related activities has measured a strong weakening, the presence of large port areas still produces strong repercussions on the urban compound.

The paper aims to analyse the port-city relation in the Southern Mediterranean context, focusing on the highlight of valuable research-for-design characters. The restricted focus on the Mediterranean city is essential to consider common pre-existent natural conditions and evince the shared historical heritage of urban maritime identity.

The selected case study is the metropolitan urbanization of Campania Region, analysed considering a multi-scale paradigm: the region’s Sistema Integrato Portuale, implying effects on the local-territorial scale, need an integrated view, especially considering the updated legislation of Port Authorities.

The result will help to identify a set of tools and good practices for the design and planning of port areas, promoting the definition of an efficient infrastructural model, more respectful of the places’ identity and urban maritime landscapes uniqueness.


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BlasiD., & GerundoC. (2017). Mediterranean Waterscapes. Identifying challenges and visions for the future of Campania coastal port-cities. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(3), 149-162.


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