Adaptive cities. Incremental processes for a contemporary urban and territorial regeneration strategy

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Anna Terracciano


Today, the intensive territory and resources consumption, the subversion of the ecological conditions of the planet, and the damage caused by climate change, have led to an imbalance and a decline in the sustainable model. So, the water and the system of its superficial and deep networks have become the main risk factor due to less and less casual or extraordinary events, as well as a pollution vehicle resulting from poor disposal of urban and industrial wastewater.

What emerges in the urban and territorial analysis is not only a critical condition in which it is necessary to rethink the functioning of the city structure, but above all the need to trigger new “recycling” mechanisms (Bocchi, 2016) and new “resilient” strategies which presuppose the recognition of the potential regenerative value of drosscapes (Berger, 2006) as a new renewable and sustainable resource for the contemporary city project.

This contribution aims to provide a moment of reflection, also through some project explorations, on how the rethinking of environmental infrastructures can play a key and structuring role in urban regeneration practices and more comprehensively can be the occasion for a process of re-urbanization of the contemporary city, precisely because of their ability to intercept also fast and slow mobility networks, energy and digital networks, a multitude of marginal spaces and degraded artifacts.


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TerraccianoA. (2017). Adaptive cities. Incremental processes for a contemporary urban and territorial regeneration strategy. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 2(3), 163-183.


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