System of non-forest woody vegetation considered in relation to the landscape character (face) and impact on it

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Zuzana Vondra Krupková


Non-forest woody vegetation (scattered greenery, landscape vegetation, landscape greenery) is a common feature in the landscape of the European countryside. In the Czech Republic, it is typical for both agricultural and un-utilised land, comprising floriculture growth (forests, wilderness, uncultivated land, and orchards) and woods which were either purposefully planted or spread spontaneously. They exist in the Czech landscape mostly as lines often existing in the land fund in small area dispositions, or completely as solitaires. In exceptional situations they occur as an area form. Non-forest woody vegetation provides an important ecological service and fulfils specific non-substitutable functions that circulate substances and energy through the landscape. This study examines the indispensability of non-forest woody vegetation in the landscape. As the basis of this research, differences in species composition, space structures, area sizes, and newly proposed elements of non-forest woody vegetation in selected landscape types were explored. Comparing existing elements of non-forest woody vegetation with newly proposed elements, relationships between the area spread of non-forest woody vegetation and the value of the landscape face and the newly proposed elements in regional systems of ecological stability were found. The presented research lists specific local elements of non-forest woody vegetation in selected regional types within the studied area in the Czech Republic.


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How to Cite
Vondra KrupkováZ. (2018). System of non-forest woody vegetation considered in relation to the landscape character (face) and impact on it. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 3(1), 25-36.
Author Biography

Zuzana Vondra Krupková, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Department of Landscape Architecture, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague


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