The use of rainwater in Alicante (southeast Spain). A new urban approach to urban water management

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María Hernández
Alvaro-Francisco Morote


The Mediterranean Spanish coastal has witnessed since the 1960s a spectacular increase in residential construction and beach tourism. This process has led to an increase in water consumption and greater risk of flooding. This is related, on the one hand, to the increase in population and housing and, on the other, to the occupation of risk areas. The aim of this research is to show and examine the importance and potential that rainwater has in the hydro-social cycle in the city of Alicante for increasing water supply for certain uses (watering gardens, street cleaning, etc.) and mitigating flooding. Databases from the local water company (Aguas Municipalizadas de Alicante Empresa Mixta SA - AMAEM) have been analysed as part of this research. Interviews have also been carried out with the technical staff of the water company to collect data and qualitative information. The analysis highlights the interest in the city of Alicante for the adoption of green infrastructure to, on the one hand, reduce the risk of flooding and, on the other, increase the available water resources. Using rainwater would enable a reduction in the use of drinking water for certain municipal water uses, and reduce pollution and flood risk during storms.


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HernándezM., & MoroteA.-F. (2019). The use of rainwater in Alicante (southeast Spain). A new urban approach to urban water management. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 4(1), 53-66.


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