Relations between green infrastructures and surface water management. A study concerning two towns in Sardinia, Italy.

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Federica Isola
Federica Leone


In all the world, cities have facing challenges connected with extreme weather phenomena. The complexity, which characterizes urban areas, requires an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to define policies and strategies to manage this kind of problems. Urban green infrastructure, and in general, green infrastructure, may represent a concrete and sustainable approach to face problems concerning surface water management, entailing economic and environmental benefits. Sustainable urban drainage concerns techniques and technologies, considered more sustainable than conventional solutions, used to drain superficial water deriving from meteorological events. Despite the numerous advantages of sustainable urban drainage systems and urban green infrastructure, their use is still limited within urban areas and local plans pay little attention to these unconventional approaches. From this context, the study aims at analyzing the implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems and urban green infrastructure within municipal masterplans in order to understand if and to what extent these approaches are included within spatial planning at the local level. In particular, the study analyses the municipal masterplans of two Sardinian municipalities that have recently approved their plan.


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IsolaF., & LeoneF. (2019). Relations between green infrastructures and surface water management. A study concerning two towns in Sardinia, Italy. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 4(1), 137-146.


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