The Archaeological and Natural park of Cuma in the Phlegraean Fields: a planning proposal

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Lilia Incoronato


The main theme of the research and planning is the Archaeological-Natural Park of Cuma-Licola, located between Pozzuoli and Bacoli. The park includes the archaeological site of Cuma, the first Greek colonial settlement in the West, and the forest of Licola, a natural reserve and Site of Community Importance. Alongside the dense fabric of archaeological evidence, the natural system plays a fundamental role, both for the transmission of the heritage of antiquity preserved there to future generations, and for the improvement of the environment quality. In this context, the Park system could curb the spread of unauthorized building, a phenomenon that is historically rooted in the study area, and it could represent an opportunity for the restoration of the abandoned areas. The lack of a unified and integrated planning for the archaeological sites in the area of Campi Flegrei has made these places, which are already subject by their nature to complex balances, very fragile. In this specific case, the inadequacy of timely interventions to secure the ancient structures has caused them further damage. Moreover, due to the inadequate system of connection with the nearest tourism clusters, the site is now isolated and difficult to reach. Through a rigorous methodology, the project aims at the restoration and enhancement of the Park, considering its historical, environmental and social relevance, its attractive potential and the significant economic impact that these actions could produce


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IncoronatoL. (2019). The Archaeological and Natural park of Cuma in the Phlegraean Fields: a planning proposal. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 4(2), 17-28.


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