LANDSUPPORT, a decision support system for territorial government

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Emanuela Coppola
Francesco Domenico Moccia


The objective of LANDSUPPORT is the construction of a smart geoSpatial Decision Support System (S-DSS) , providing a powerful set of decision supporting tools – that will be open and freely accessible through the web – devoted to (i) support sustainable agriculture/forestry, (ii) evaluate their interaction and trade-off with other land uses, including spatial planning and (iii) support the achievement of selected land policies of both EU and UN agenda, with special emphasis to the key, “achieving a land degradation-neutral world” and climate change mitigation goals. By doing that, LANDSUPPORT will reconcile urban regeneration policy ambitions with operational reality addressing the often overlooked support for planning/management actions at the very local scale. In fact, only by this approach incorporating the local dimension it is possible to produce DSS tools to simultaneously fulfil all high demand ing specific challenges such as the evaluation of “land use trade-offs“, “incentivising real actions / behaviour / investments” contributing to “sustainable management of land resource” and considering societal needs. This is exactly what the high performing LANDSUPPORT integrated scientific approach promise to do, unlike the aggregated Territorial Modelling Platform already in use for the ex-ante evaluation of EC policies.


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How to Cite
CoppolaE., & MocciaF. D. (2019). LANDSUPPORT, a decision support system for territorial government. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 4(2), 29-38.


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