Common Stocks: Intelligent Communities Enabling Platforms for peripheries regeneration

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Barbara Lino


The huge stock of properties and territorial infrastructures that we have built in recent years, convinced that it was the most important development asset, capable of generating value, is today largely degraded, underused or dismissed. In Sicily, as in many other parts of Italy, some practices have allowed new spaces for public use and/or semi-public, and most cities have opened new development perspectives. This process of recycling seems to indicate a tendency to shift the development asset from real estate capitalization to a knowledge economy, in which abandoned assets offer themselves as enabling platforms for collective actions, space devices in which to channel innovation through recycling.
This paper studies the process of common-stocks projects as part of sustainable strategies for peripheries regeneration. The study describes an empirical research conducted on the Sicilian case study of Periferica in Mazara del Vallo and investigates how overcoming the fragmentation of initiatives, guiding processes, recognizing, enabling and involving the subjects that bring innovation.


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How to Cite
LinoB. (2019). Common Stocks: Intelligent Communities Enabling Platforms for peripheries regeneration. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 4(2), 39-48.


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