Energy requalification and waste production: new urban metabolism processes. A case study in Trevignano Romano

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Adriana Sferra
Matteo Sforzini
Alessia D’Angelo


A distorted urban development, built in the absence of specific regulations, obliges today to carry out energy requalification interventions.
In an economic/regulatory context that requires the transition, from an artisan logic to a para-industrial one, towards industry 4.0 with greater economies of scale, acting not on individual buildings but on urban sectors.
It also means putting the statutory and functional profile up to standard to meet the needs of the society.
We refer to new processes of urban metabolism which, in the circular economy, in construction also means the reuse and recycling of its own waste.
This contribution, regarding some researches carried out at the Interdepartmental Center Territory, Building, Restoration, Environment CITERA of Sapienza University of Rome, evaluates the incoming and outgoing flows (matter / energy) in urban centers, to point out best system efficiencies.
Objective in a nutshell: the balance between the benefits obtained from the interventions and the impacts caused by the waste related.
The paper illustrates: working methodology, technical operations carried out, calculation methods through indicators analyzed at 360°. Finally, the proposal for the overall reduction of energy consumption, C&D waste and CO2eq emissions and ends with the results achieved and possible further developments.
The results confirm that if properly managed, the waste inevitably produced as a result of the interventions can turn from problem to resource.


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SferraA., SforziniM., & D’AngeloA. (2020). Energy requalification and waste production: new urban metabolism processes. A case study in Trevignano Romano. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 5(1), 5-24.


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