The integrated urban development plan between multidisciplinary priority areas and district strategies: the experience of the city of Leipzig

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Marina Block


Many German cities, in relation to the strategic objectives of the 2030 EU Agenda, have succeeded in strengthening their adaptive and urban resilience abilities to improve the living conditions of citizens, making themselves more competitive and sustainable.
Starting in 2009, Leipzig, through the concept of integrated urban development, has defined its own development strategy. The demographic growth of the last ten years has had an impact on different sectors of urban life, pushing to work on the provision of social infrastructure, on rents, on green and open spaces, to better anchor urban development to sustainable development, calling into question issues such as climate change, the use of renewable sources, sustainable mobility, but also the role of the administration, the promotion of new forms of circular economy and the protection of the health of the inhabitants.
Starting from 2016, the concept of integrated urban development has been updated and is now available as "INSEK - Leipzig 2030" outlines a program crossed by cross-cutting issues, which derive from global or national issues, as well as from specific challenges of the city. This experience shows that the holistic approach, typical of environmental design, plays a key role in defining urban development plans, not only in providing adaptive design responses, but constantly innovating the governance of interventions.


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BlockM. (2020). The integrated urban development plan between multidisciplinary priority areas and district strategies: the experience of the city of Leipzig. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 5(1), 45-68.


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