Bicycle paths as a contribution to urban resilience in high-density areas

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Antonio Alberto Clemente


Three facts. Pescara is the 13th city of Italy in terms of inhabitants density. The second concerns urban flooding resulting from torrential rain. Finally, Pescara is one of the most highly cycling Italian municipalities. Three phenomena perceived as separate which, in reality, are interdependent. A high urban density brings with it a strong reduction of vegetation and an excessive waterproofing of the soil. Therefore, where excess water volumes are created, also due to the insufficiency of the sewage system, urban floods occur which find their main route along the road network. With negative consequences in terms of the environment (pollution of the river and the sea), economic (threats to infrastructure, cultural heritage, residential and productive fabric) and social (risks for the population). The idea is to compare the open space projects in Boston, San Francisco, Zwolle and Copenhagen that have questioned which are the most appropriate answers to transform water from a potential risk element into a strategic resource for the resilience of urban system also through the cycle network. The goal is to demonstrate that the cycle network is not just a technical issue to ensure adequate performance levels in terms of intermodal integration, safety and efficiency of the tracks, but also a soil project that can contribute to the resilience of the urban system.


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ClementeA. A. (2020). Bicycle paths as a contribution to urban resilience in high-density areas. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 5(1), 93-110.


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