Temporary inhabitants in a new post-COVID 19 city

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Nicola Martinelli
Ida Giulia Presta


The contemporary world, highly connected and globalized, is interwoven with various opportunities and weaknesses. Cities are crossed by new massive migratory flows due to various reasons, which have their roots in the economic, social, geopolitical dimensions, and then again due to the effects of climate change and health emergencies. Moreover, just in a traumatic way, we found ourselves facing a health crisis caused by the
COVID 19 pandemic, which exploded between the end of 2019, first in China and then spread globally in the early months of 2020, which still unfolds its unpredictable effects. What role do cities play in these events? How have they changed and how will they change again? It will happen this time, as in the past, that urban planning actions and choices will make a decisive contribution to resolving the health crisis, providing facilities such as parks, broad avenues, sewer networks? So giving a new meaning to the statement "the shape [of the city] follows the infection" (Bernardi, magazine Cielo Terra 2020).
The lockdown phase has experienced a delay in the use of smart working, which was already a distinctive feature of the lifestyles of the knowledge workers, leading to the coincidence between workspace and living space, which already new housing models such as co-working had tried mainly out.
The paper, starting from research developed in the Dicar of the Polytechnic of Bari, on new residential models for temporary inhabitants (city users, students, creatives, buyers and tourists), intends to question how the post-COVID phase can lead to a reinterpretation of these [new] models, but already not entirely adequate to interpret this phase of further crisis.


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How to Cite
MartinelliN., & PrestaI. G. (2021). Temporary inhabitants in a new post-COVID 19 city. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 5(2), 99-106. https://doi.org/10.6093/2531-9906/7760


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