Places in the city designed for pro well-being living space To promote healthy, autonomous and active lifestyles for citizens of all ages

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Concetta Fallanca


The paper proposes a reflection on the theme of sustainable regeneration for liveable and healthy public spaces, starting from the formal and performance characteristics of the places in the city designed to create a living space. The more compact parts of the city lend themselves to a practicability that follows the logic of the vector flow and sometimes requires separation between accesses and outflow routes. These aspects must be considered in the design and regeneration processes.
The research started is aimed at the criteria of conceiving, designing, implementing and verifying the validity of urban spaces, which should be safe and consistent with a good quality of life, suitable to promote healthy lifestyles, happily active and autonomous in all phases of life of citizens.
Therefore, in conceiving this vision of "living space", it can be useful to recall and revise, the set of principles that have gradually matured in the prevention of risks due to earthquakes, disasters, accidents, to the occurrence of all those occasions when it is necessary to safely evacuate large quantities of people.
A new way of conceiving living space pro-wellness can also draw, in criteria and methods, from the corpus of measures developed to achieve a suitable climatic comfort of the urban environment, with the integration of the evaluation of the performance system of the urban ecological network to improve the presence of authentic naturalness of cities.


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How to Cite
FallancaC. (2021). Places in the city designed for pro well-being living space. UPLanD - Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 5(2), 149-172.


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