I poli della poesia e il respiro del verso. Glosse a Platone, Dante, Celan, Zanzotto

  • Fabrizio Desideri
Parole chiave: Poesia, Filosofia, Limite, Parola poetica


The limit between poetical and philosophical speech has always been as clear as labile. Conjoining these two characteristics, it could be said that this limit is close to a paradox. The way a speech presents itself will never include the criteria of its traceability. The essay moves among Plato, Dante, Celan and Zanzotto.


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Come citare
DesideriF. (2017). I poli della poesia e il respiro del verso. Glosse a Platone, Dante, Celan, Zanzotto. Bollettino Filosofico, 32, 283-296. https://doi.org/10.6093/1593-7178/5361