Family scenarios and violence: a clinical case story

  • Gabriella Ferrari Bravo Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Caterina Arcidiacono Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Parole chiave: incest, public services, telephone counselling, clinical intervention


This article describes the acceptance and taking-charge process of a history

of incest involving a father and his daughter. This case arrived through an ad

hoc telephone line set up by a territorial service aimed at listening, counselling,

and treating problems and conflicts inherent in family life. The mother

made the first contact with this service, ten years after the event. The case

story is geared to outlining the development of the relational events within

the parents‟ relationship and in relation to their daughter as well as the interactions

with the family service (CPF). The purpose is also to show the procedure

of the intervention and taking-charge process carried out by the psychologists

of the service as well as the counter-transference feelings that

have accompanied the clinical intervention and the effects they have had on

the relationships between the individual members of the whole family.


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Gabriella Ferrari Bravo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Gabriella Ferrari Bravo is a psychotherapist who works for the local health authority of Naples Municipality. After she worked for the juvenile court she collaborated to an ONU project for ragged children living in the streets of Argentina and Uruguay. Since 2011 she has been heading the “Centro per le famiglie” (Family Centre), which was founded in 1996 by a partnership between the Council of the Council of Naples and the local health authority. With reference to this field of activity, she has been actively promoter of collaboration with the judicial arena, in particular with reference to legal separation, safeguard of children’s relational rights, and tackling domestic violence. She is a teaching assistant of Community Psychology at the University of Naples Federico II where she also worked as a university tutor with part-time contract.
Caterina Arcidiacono, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Caterina Arcidiacono is a Psychologist, IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology) Analyst, and Full Professor of Community Psychology. She is Coordinator of the PhD School in Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences, and Coordinator of the Ph.D in Gender Studies at the University of Naples Federico II. Her current research concerns migration and a critical approach to community psychology with reference to qualitative research. Her most recent research deals with the topic of violence against women and woman-man relationship, with special reference to wellbeing, power asymmetry and intercultural dialogue.
Come citare
Ferrari BravoG., & ArcidiaconoC. (2014). Family scenarios and violence: a clinical case story. La Camera Blu. Rivista Di Studi Di Genere, (10).

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