L’Afrique subsaharienne entre décolonisation et néocolonialisme. Débat sur l’ingérence politique, économique et culturelle de l’Ouest à la fin du XXe siècle

  • Domenico Lepre


The quest for a distinctly African knowledge has generated a lively debate among African intellectuals since the 1980s, becoming the focus of a discussion about the possibility of a real cultural decolonization. The importance of these studies does not lay in the historical reconstruction and analysis of the different forms of colonial and post-colonial rule, but in their pursuit of a true epistemological rupture. During the last two decades of the 20th century, these issues became prevalent due to the institutionalization of political and economic interference by the West. This interference laid out new processes of subjectivation/objectification of the “blackness” in a world of values, norms and symbols established by the “whiteness”.


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