“River City”: Seriality and Everydayness. Interview with Kieran Hannigan

  • Giuseppe Episcopo University of St Andrews


The topic to which the monographic issue of the journal is dedicated is explored in a long interview on River City with the BBC television producer Kieran Hannigan. River City is a drama series (2002–) set in a Glaswegian community; its storylines are based on the lives and the relationships of the main characters: people that inhabit the district of Shieldinch. The interview aimed at exploring how the events of everyday life are represented in a soap opera, how the sense of a common life is portrayed on screen, as well as at learning more about the creative process and its daily aspects.


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Biografia dell'Autore

Giuseppe Episcopo, University of St Andrews

Giuseppe Episcopo, Associate Lecturer at the University of St Andrews, published a monograph on Stefano D’Arrigo and Thomas Pynchon, L’eredità della fine (2016), and on Carlo Emilio Gadda, Macchine d’espressisone (2018). Episcopo has also published on Brecht, Goyen, Primo Levi, Tozzi, Wilcock, and on radio drama in books and journals.

Come citare
EpiscopoG. (2019). “River City”: Seriality and Everydayness. Interview with Kieran Hannigan. SigMa - Rivista Di Letterature Comparate, Teatro E Arti Dello Spettacolo, (3). https://doi.org/10.6093/sigma.v0i3.6578