Digital data to support urban planning processes to develop women safety cities: an application to the city of Naples

Keywords: Urban Planning, Gender Inclusion, GIS, Naples


Urban planning is increasingly focused on solutions for sustainable urban mobility, including the achievement of “walkability”, i.e. ease to walking, meeting criteria of neighbourhood services, street connectivity, comfort of public spaces, and others. Urban administrations in some countries, partially as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, have adopted short and long-term plans for reassignment of vehicular space in favour of cyclist and pedestrian infrastructures, however traditional approaches to urban planning still fail to consider different categories of urban users in terms of their individual characteristics, which can significantly impact their perceptions of walkability for streets and public spaces. Women in particular face harassment, aggression and other safety concerns that can inhibit their mobility in streets and public spaces, especially when it gets dark. Despite robust research on other aspects of walkability in cities, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the intersections of mobility and gender. Addressing the need for further investment in qualitative, and particularly in quantitative analysis, the current contributions proposes and reports on the use of GIS-based methodology, with data collected directly from women in urban contexts, and from open-access location-based data, producing analyses that can support decision-making on policies for walkability. In particular, the contribution summarizes the first product of a new, replicable methodology, focused on urban planning and gender inclusion, applied to the city of Naples, Italy.


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Author Biographies

Gerardo Carpentieri, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II

He is an engineer, Ph.D. in Civil Systems Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II and Lecturer in Land Use Planning at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II. From 2020, he is a member of Unina research group for the ERASMUS+ Key Action2: Project “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC). From 2023, he coordinate Unina research group for the project “STEP UP- Walkability for Women in Milan” financed by Fondazione Cariplo.

Andrea Gorrini, Fondazione Transform Transport ETS

Dr. Andrea Gorrini the Head of Research at Fondazione Transform Transport ETS, a non-profit research foundation launched by Systematica in April 2022 and focused on innovation in mobility and transport planning. He is an environmental psychologist with research experience in human behavior in transport systems, pedestrian crowd dynamics and walkability. He oversees research and development activities related to the identification, collection and exploitation of different mobility data sources.

Federico Messa, Fondazione Transform Transport ETS

Federico Messa a Senior Researcher at Fondazione Transform Transport ETS and Senior Transport Consultant at Systematica. He is an architect and he has been active as a transport consultant on a diverse set of projects, ranging from territorial studies to masterplans and complex buildings mobility strategies. He is also involved in architecture and mobility research studies, mainly related to urban dynamics, mobility data analysis and visualization, project performance analysis and spatial analysis.

Lamia Abdelfattah, Fondazione Transform Transport ETS

Lamia Abdelfattah is a Senior Researcher at Fondazione Transform Transport ETS and a Senior Transport Consultant at Systematica. She is an architect by background and an urban planner by profession, focusing on issues of spatial equity in cities. With a background in participatory urban planning in informal settlements, her work is grounded in theories of urban justice and inclusive city perspectives.

Benjamin Büttner, School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Benjamin Büttner is the deputy chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning and is the head of the Research Group on Accessibility Planning at Technical University of Munich (TUM). Currently works in the fields of accessibility planning and decision and policy making. Urban transitions, tactical urbanism and street experiments are the foci of his professional skills. Since 2019 he is the head of the EIT Urban Mobility “Doctoral Training Network” which includes 90 interdisciplinary PhD students all over Europe. Since 2020 he is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Urban Mobility.


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How to Cite
CarpentieriG., GuidaC., GorriniA., MessaF., AbdelfattahL., & BüttnerB. (2023). Digital data to support urban planning processes to develop women safety cities: an application to the city of Naples. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 16(3), 595-608.