Review Pages: Planning For Smart Cities. Dealing With New Urban Challenges

  • Gennaro Angiello Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
  • Gerardo Carpentieri Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
  • Valentina Pinto Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
  • Laura Russo Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
  • Floriana Zucaro Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
Keywords: Web Resources, Books, Laws, Urban Practices, News and Events


Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always remaining in the groove of rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. During the last two years a particular attention has been paid on the Smart Cities theme and on the different meanings that come with it. The last section of the journal is formed by the Review Pages. They have different aims: to inform on the problems, trends and evolutionary processes; to investigate on the paths by highlighting the advanced relationships among apparently distant disciplinary fields; to explore the interaction’s areas, experiences and potential applications; to underline interactions, disciplinary developments but also, if present, defeats and setbacks. Inside the journal the Review Pages have the task of stimulating as much as possible the circulation of ideas and the discovery of new points of view. For this reason the section is founded on a series of basic’s references, required for the identification of new and more advanced interactions. These references are the research, the planning acts, the actions and the applications, analysed and investigated both for their ability to give a systematic response to questions concerning the urban and territorial planning, and for their attention to aspects such as the environmental sustainability and the innovation in the practices. For this purpose the Review Pages are formed by five sections (Web Resources; Books; Laws; Urban Practices; News and Events), each of which examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage of interest for TeMA.


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Author Biographies

Gennaro Angiello, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
Engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems
Engineering at the Federico II University of Naples.
His research interests are in the field of accessibility
analysis and modelling, land-use and transport
interactions and sustainable mobility. He is
currently involved in the research project Smart
Energy Master and in the COST Action TU1002
accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice in
Gerardo Carpentieri, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
Engineer, graduated in Environmental and
Territorial Engineering at the University of Naples
Federico I I with a specialization in governance of
urban and territorial transformations. Since 2014 he
has been a PhD student in Civil Systems
Engineering at the Department of Civil, Building and
Environmental Engineering – University of Naples
Federico II. In July 2013 he won a scholarship
within the PRI N project on the “Impacts of mobility
policies on urban transformability, environment and
property market”. Since 2011 he represents the
UISP (Italian Union Sport for all) in the Forum
Civinet Italy. I n December 2012 he started
collaborating with TeMA Lab.
Valentina Pinto, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
Engineer, Ph.D. student in Hydraulic, Transport and
Territorial Systems Engineering at the University of
Naples Federico II . Her research activity at DICEA
department of the University of Naples Federico II
is aimed at studying the relation among city,
mobility, and environment and consists in setting
up a support tool for the public decision-maker in
individuating the possible influences of the urban
planning policies on mobility tools.
Laura Russo, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
Engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems
Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. She
received a master’s degree in Architecture and
Building Engineering with a thesis on urban
expansion and the sprawl phenomena, with
particular attention for Campania.
Floriana Zucaro, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
Engineer, graduated in Environmental and
Territorial Engineering at the University of Naples
Federico I I with a specialization in management of
urban and territorial transformations. Since 2012
she has been a PhD student in Hydraulic, Transport
and Territorial Systems Engineering at the
Department of Civil, Building and Environmental
Engineering – University of Naples Federico II.
Since 2014 she has been a scholarship holder
within the Project Smart Energy Master for the
energy management of territory financed by PON
04A2_00120 R&C Axis II, from 2012 to 2015. Her
research activity is focused on the integration of
land use planning, sustainable mobility and energy
saving policies in urban contests


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Hollands R.G., (2008) “Will the real smart city please stand up?” in City Vol.12 n°3.

La Rocca, R.A.(2010). Soft Mobility and Urban Transformation: Some Case Studies. Tema. Journal Of Land Use, Mobility And Environment, 3 (Selected Paper), 85-90. doi:

Papa, R. (2013). Editorial preface. Smart City: Researches, Projects and Good Practices for the City. Tema. Journal Of Land Use, Mobility And Environment, 6(1), 3-4. doi:

Papa, R., Gargiulo, C., Franco, S., & Russo, L. (2014). Urban Smartness Vs Urban Competitiveness: A Comparison of Italian Cities Rankings. Tema. Journal Of Land Use, Mobility And Environment, 0. doi:

Papa, R., Gargiulo, C., & Galderisi, A. (2013). Towards an urban planners’ perspective on Smart City. Tema. Journal Of Land Use, Mobility And Environment, 6(1), 5-17. doi:

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Vallance, S., Perkins, H. C., & Dixon, J. E. (2011). What is social sustainability? A clarification of concepts. Geoforum, 42(3), 342-348.

How to Cite
AngielloG., CarpentieriG., PintoV., RussoL., & ZucaroF. (2014). Review Pages: Planning For Smart Cities. Dealing With New Urban Challenges. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 7(3), 333-358.

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