Ecosystem Services’ Based Impact Assessment for Low Carbon Transition Processes

Keywords: RES, Ecosystem services, Low carbon, Energy transition


Low carbon transition represents one of the main challenges engaging territorial governments in a multi-scale structure of planning and actions. The thematic focus on renewable energies sources (RES) development prevailed on an integrated approach to plan such relevant process in a more integrated and systemic view based on multiple territorial values estimation and the assessment of potential conflicts depending on technological and landscape impacts

RES transition implies extensive  territorial transformations and, in the case of Italy, the public management spent more effort in targeting RES installation objectives more than proposing a territorial plan of suitable area where such a process might be development preserving local territorial structure and values.  

This paper presents the results of an ex-post analysis carried out to assess the effects of the rapid advent of renewable energy plants in a specific territorial context: Melfi area in Basilicata (Italy). Such a context is characterized by agricultural vocation and high natural values, but also representing the settlement place of the biggest industrial automotive center in the south of Italy.

The research approach is based on ecosystem services assessment through selected INVEST tools according with the presence of relevant specific features in the investigation area: carbon stock and storage, crop production, crop pollination and habitat quality.

Results allow to quantify an extensive territorial impacts generated by photovoltaics plants and wind-farms compared with production potential. Consequently policy recommendation are proposed in order to improve the governance model for future development of the sustainable energy sector in Basilicata.


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Author Biographies

Angela Pilogallo, School of Engineering, University of Basilicata

Angela Pilogallo is a Ph.D. student at Faculty of Engineering at the University of Basilicata Region (Italy), inscribed in the first year of PhD course in engineering for innovation and sustainable development.

Lucia Saganeiti, School of Engineering, University of Basilicata

Lucia Saganeiti is Ph.D. student at Faculty of Engineering at the University of Basilicata Region (Italy), inscribed in the second year of PhD course in engineering for innovation and sustainable development.

Francesco Scorza, School of Engineering, University of Basilicata

Francesco Scorza is an "Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning" at the School of Engineering of the University of Basilicata. Environmental Engineer and Ph.D. in ‘Science and methods for European Cities and Territories’ at the University of Pisa, conducts research in the fields of Urban and Regional Planning at the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering (LISUT) - University of Basilicata since 2006. The main research interests concern regional development programming and urban and regional planning. In particular, he develops research on the impact assessment of plans and projects; territorial analysis; participation in planning; advanced knowledge management tools and applied technologies as DSS. He has participated in numerous research projects funded within EU co-operation programs and, also, he coordinates research projects in the field of assessment of man-made processes and territorial impacts of regional development plans, programs and policies. He is a referee for international journals and actively participates in the organization of international conferences. He has published in national and international journals and is member of the following scientific communities: AISRE, ERSA, EES, INPUT, ECQTG, ICCSA, INU.

Beniamino Murgante, School of Engineering, University of Basilicata

Beniamino Murgante is a Professor of Spatial planning at the University of Basilicata (Southern Italy). He obtained his PhD in “Sciences and methods for European cities and territory” at the Department of Civil engineer of the University of Pisa. He carried out other researches in Lyon at the Laboratory for Information System Engineering directed by Robert Laurini. His main research interests are focused on the use of technologies in supporting spatial decision. Member of Editorial Board of “International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR)” IGI Global "Future Internet" MDPI - Open Access Publishing, "Regional Science Inquiry" and "GEOmedia".


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How to Cite
PilogalloA., SaganeitiL., ScorzaF., & MurganteB. (2019). Ecosystem Services’ Based Impact Assessment for Low Carbon Transition Processes. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 12(2), 127-138.