The Prominent Values of the Mustapha Pacha Hospital of Algiers at Different Scales

  • Nassila Ghida Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d’Urbanisme EPAU of Algiers
  • Kenza Boussora Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d’Urbanisme EPAU of Algiers
  • Carlo Atzeni University of Cagliari
Keywords: Healthcare facility, Urbanity, Values, Sustainability


Mustapha Pacha healthcare facility is one of the most important structure of the sanitary history in Africa. Its stratification goes back to the 19th century. Both of its location in the urban heart of the capital of Algeria and its architectural composition are strategic characteristics of its longevity. But in 2015, some political will pointed out the necessity to demolished the entire hospital. A Utopia due to the complexity of the structure and to economic issues. The study aims to reveal the different heritage scale values of the hospital which characterize it as a preserved and as a functional hospital. Those values are part of the urbanity of the city, its architectural criteria and the medical history. Multi-scalar values are the urban value, the architectural value, the collective value, the scientific value, and the value of belonging. The results aim first to point out the importance of Mustapha Pacha healthcare facility as a building heritage due to its contribution to architectural, human, medical, surgical and technical development.  Secondly, it exposes healthcare facilities possibility to be valorized and protected as a built heritage. It also has direct practical implications such as to be an academic base for future researches aiming to understand 20th century healthcare facilities organization and values in general and the Mustapha Pacha hospital as a specific architectural object. The regrouped information is also a deep data collection never done before in order to understand the hospital and can promote heritage’ file submission proposition


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Author Biographies

Nassila Ghida, Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d’Urbanisme EPAU of Algiers

Nassila is a architect and a PhD candidate under a cotutelle agreement between the Laboratoire Ville Architecture et Patrimoine (LVAP) de Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d’Urbanisme EPAU of Algiers and the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e ARchitettura (DICAAR) of the University Degli Studi Di Cagliari- UniCa of Cagliari, Italy supported by the MAECI. Her thesis research focuses on the rehabilitation of ancient children’ hospitals of the 20th century sensorial rehabilitation through spatial evaluation.

Kenza Boussora, Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d’Urbanisme EPAU of Algiers

Kenza Boussora is an architect and associate professor at Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, EPAU,Algeria. She received her degree in Architectural Studies from EPAU, and completed her post-graduate studies at both Oxford Brookes University, UK, and Mohamed Khider University, Biskra, Algeria. She has taught Islamic architectural history for many years, with a particular focus on the North African countries. Her research interests focus on architectural morphology and the relationship between architecture, mathematics and neurosciences. She conducted many research on Islamic architecture, regionalism and colonial architecture in North Africa. She is also a Corresponding Editor of the  Nexus Network Journal.

Carlo Atzeni, University of Cagliari

Civil engineer, he is a Ph.D. researcher in Building Engineering and Associate Professor in Technical Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Cagliari he is the coordinator of the Degree Course in Science of Architecture and professor of Integrated Laboratory of Design and Construction of Architecture 3.His fields of study and research are: rehabilitation and recovery of traditional and historical Architecture, new forms of habitat in rural landscapes and colonial modern architecture. His research activity applied to project-making has been awarded several prizes and special mentions in national and international architecture competitions.


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How to Cite
GhidaN., BoussoraK., & AtzeniC. (2019). The Prominent Values of the Mustapha Pacha Hospital of Algiers at Different Scales. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 12(2), 179-190.
LUME (Land Use, Mobility and Environment)